Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Where to from here?

That looks easy enough, doesn't it? Yeah. Simple really. All the main ingredients of a good book just mapped out in neat little shapes. Well....I'm here to tell you, it isn't SO easy!!! Why..well, for starters, I'm not a mapper. I don't plan things out like this, not in my real life or in the lives I make up on a page. I never set out to be a mystery writer. REALLY. NEVER. My monaker always seemed to be, "If it ain't got no love, it ain't got no me..." more or less. Everything was swell when I believed that. I sat down in a day to write and was floored and excited about where and what my beloved characters were getting up to that day. It was magic on a page....or ten, whatever the case may be.

I never had a problem with that until now. Currently I'm working on FLASH, a mystery/ crime drama (which has romance, I'm still me people!;) Seeing as how I have all these loose ends to consider in this new genre I kinda have to know the where I'm going and/or the who in all of this. I did wing it for quite a while and it seemed to flow. At this point though, I am looking at only 1/4 of the book left to write and I'm finding a need to break down and....well.....MAP! Ugh!

I've resisted mapping up till now because I feel like it takes the imagination out of it. I've always loved how a book comes to me as I write it. It takes shape on the journey and that, to me, is part of the absolute wonder of writing it. I still think that is true, but maybe only to an extent. Creation is creation and whether it's actually written out or locked away in my crazy mind it's really the same, right? New content. I'm sure the loose dots I outline will have lots of room between them for that momentous scene I hadn't thought of to fit itself right into the story, right?

In order to do the mystery justice I think this must happen. What do you think? If you're a writer, do you map? Do you plan? Do you outline? What is your take on it? Don't get me confused with some other perfectly planned writer though. I still have a lot to learn about these characters and what they want to do. Will this make my story better?

I guess there is a first for everything. I gotta tell you...I'm shaking in my boots! I'm rolling up my sleeves....I'm goin' in! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Music to get inspired too...

I guess. I was going through my Rhapsody account listening to music and I have some definite favorites. It's funny, I have some songs I just LOVE and I only love that one song by the artists. I could listen to these over and over. Maybe they inspire me, maybe they are great memories, I don;t know but I love, love, love them! Most of them are completely different but for some reason or another they keep me coming back for more....Where do you find inspiration?

Jeff Healey - Angel Eyes
K.D. Lang - Constant Craving
Alannah Miles - Black Velvet
Marc Cohn - Walking in Memphis
John Secada - Just Another Day
Elton John - Someone Saved My Life Tonight
Warrant - I Saw Red
Hubert Kah - The Picture
George Michael - Tonight
Mary Chapin Carpenter - Shut Up and Kiss Me
The Moody Blues - I Know You're Out There Somewhere
Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power of Love
Chris Isaak - Wicked Game
IceHouse - Electric Blue

These are just a few of the songs I could listen to on a forever loop and NEVER get sick of them. Music inspires me in so many ways and these are all old, old songs that I love. There are lots of current ones as well but they haven;t stood the test of time yet....

Friday, April 16, 2010


The book cover you see before you belongs to one, Ally Condie! Her book, Matched, comes out November 30 and you should definitely watch for it and READ it! It's awesome! (and I'm not just saying that cuz she's my friend) Anyway...I am so excited for her! The cover is so cool! Congrats Ally! :) Check out her blog http://www.allysoncondie.com because she is going places folks!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Lock and Key?

I contemplated entering a few contests lately with my current WIP (work in progress). But for starters it isn't done yet. That's kind of a drawback, just ask any agent or editor! LOL Anyway, another thing holding me back is the whole secret nature of my idea. Writers and readers alike I know are plagued with heartache over secret revelation. For a published writer it means lawsuit. For an unpublished writer it can mean suicide. Basically all stories are the same. They are mostly the same basic elements built with new and different twists and turns. They all have similar elements, albeit in skeleton form. this is what makes books all the more intriguing to me. Peoples minds are the sole difference in what becomes the written page. It amazes me that people can come up with the ideas and stories that they do!

So right now, I'm wondering. As a yet unrepresented and unpublished writer how much should I give of my storyline, if anything? And how much do I keep under lock and key? I mean, we(unrepped and unpubbed writers) walk a very fine line in today's social media day and age. It can help us immensely and,, most of the time I think that's exactly what it does. I want to share my idea a little to see if it takes off. I want to see what kind of response I get to it. To me, what I'm writing right now is a very new and fresh idea than what is currently on the market. And then I think, "But doesn't every writer believe that in their heart about their work?"

So my question to other like me and readers alike, to anyone really is this: How much do you share? How much do you keep to yourself? How do you protect yourself from ugly idea stealing? How many contests do you enter? How much do you put out their on blogs/facebook/twitter in general? How do you protect yourself? Or do you just go for it and hope for the best?

The chances of someone stealing my idea and then writing it and querying it are pretty good really, if they have time. I find time to be a HUGE stumbling block in my writing so.... I know that may sound like I think my idea is the cats meow. So let me assure you, I DO! If I didn't I couldn't put the passion and power behind the words that tell the story the way it deserves to be told. And sadly, I know, at the end of the day, If I don't write it. Someone else surely will. It's all about time.

My completed novel was, for some reason, MUCH easier to share generously. I don't know why that was. I didn't worry about it like I do this one. Not sure whether I'm just more paranoid or crazy or what! Probably all of the above!

Ok - back to writing! :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

You know what I love?

Cosmic lightening writing. Yup, you read that right. And it's a real thing. At least to me, if no one else. What, you may ask, is that? It's the awesome thing I feel when I'm writing and the words are pouring out like constant flashes of lightening during a great summer storm. And it's the bestest thing in the whole wide universe. It makes you scratch your head and go..Wow, this might just be a GOOD book. Of course, if you didn't think that about every book you write then how would you ever write it? But still....
I'm reveling in it and since the book I'm writing is called Flash, it kinda gives me the shivers somewhere deep inside! YAY!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

When you can't write it better yourself.....

Don't! This is a fabulous post that I could've written myself(except for the part about having an agent and/or book deal of course...cuz I DON'T (good thing I'm not bitter about that)). In fact, I may have even tried to get these very points across before, but it was as if she channeled me and made it sound better than I ever could so check out this post on Jody Hedlund's blog about writers guilt. It's so great! I totally feel exactly like that!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My first fan letter and the BEST I'll ever get....

When your confidence wanes (and it always will at some point) and you wonder if you're any good always remember someone, somewhere, loves you just the way you are. Maybe she'll be a writer someday too, but right now, my 7 year old daughter is my biggest fan and I think this may be just the very best I will ever get! This wasn't even about writing but I needed it and thought it was very special....It's always important when your in the day to day storm of constant rejection to keep things in perspective. This is a good way to do that!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Do I have what it takes?

This question floats through my mind at regular intervals. Whether in terms of writing, mothering, being a friend or wife, it's always the same misgivings. Life is so crazy these days as I try to be the friend, mother and wife. Sadly, writer is not even in the backseat anymore. It's running behind the car down the interstate. It's tragic really. I get on an inspired writing streak and I can see the end and it's damn exciting....then, Monday comes and life resumes and I just can't seem to fit it in. I need to finish Flash because it's good. Of course I would say that, I'm writing it, but seriously, the idea is different and exciting and it's marketable. It's more marketable than Hourglass, as much as it saddens me to admit it. The facts are what they are. Don't worry though, I'm in no way giving up on that book. I'm just saying it may not be "the one."

So tonight I'm hoping and praying that yes, I am good enough, at everything I attempt to do. I've got to find a way to write. I love it. It's in my soul and I know it's my calling! I need to make time for it because YES! I have what it takes...I just need to take the time to have it! That looks easy on paper...hmm....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fellow writer celebrating

Elle Strauss is a fellow writer who now has an agent! She's celebrating on her blog with a give-a-way contest! Check it out here! Happy for her and jealous for me! :D lol

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tons of contests posted and also, inspiration!

The fabulous author, Ann Dee Ellis is having a contest of sorts. It's just for inspirational purposes so we can write! That's what we need to do isn't it? I do! I'm planning on writing my little heart out and I think you should join me. Yes, you. Over there with the TV on...YOU! Also..I get points if you decided to join in on the fun so that's kinda nifty too! Here's the details on the contest, plus Ann Dee is pretty funny anyway, so you should read her blog more than just today....also, there are a ton of writers contests posted on there that you can enter and get money and bragging rights so that is worth it too!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Enter to win a scholarship to Backspace writers conference in NYC!


Click the above link because you MUST! This is an awesome opportunity folks! The details are available on the blog belonging to agent of awesomeness, Colleen Lindsay of FinePrint literary. Only one more day left to enter, so better get on this!

And if you're a writer and you don't twitter...WHY? Twitter is where it's at! This contest info came from there as well as the other one and so many others! Get with the program ya'll....TWEET! TWEET! WRITE! WRITE! nuff said... By the way...I'm 6gMom on twitter for when you sign up because I know you're gonna...right now! ;) Ok..off to do more writing on Flash.....this book is good people. It really, really, really is! :D

Agent running a Contest! Do it now!

A contest! It's only running for another half hour so GO! DO IT! NOW! I did..I'll let you know what she says....


Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Just read this...then laugh...seriously. You need it and my friend Jamie delivers it! :D

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Help me, Help you!


Go here and read about this and you'll see why I need your help! Follow and comment telling me you did so I can get a free call from an agent! Thanks!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Heart palpitations...

I received an email from the agent that had my partial tonight while I sat here and my heart beat wildly out of control. I didn't want to open it. It was out of control. Seriously. But I did. And it was a rejection and my pulse slowed. "My heart can handle this." I told myself. "It can. It's just another in a very long line." But it hurt, as I suspected it would. I did not cry. Not one tear was shed because it was exactly what I expected and like I said before, it's among many that have and will yet be delivered to my inbox. Life goes on, we cope and we query. This agent seemed really sweet and did offer a small amount of feedback which was kind or her. She didn't ask me to send her my next work or revisions. At least it was something. That is more than I had this morning. I'm not going to make any changes to that manuscript just now. I'm going to let my outstanding queries get responses and then go from there and I will be thinking about what she said in the meantime because that is what you should do as a writer. You listen to comments and you decide what to do with them. That's what it's all about. I wish that made each rejection easier to take, but it doesn't. I'll make it though, and the sun will still rise tomorrow! That is what makes life worth living. Perspective is very important when you write for life. It's hard to keep an eye single to your goal, but it's the heart of progress.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

query queen!

Ok....not really, but I'm doing SOMETHING. I consider that to be royal in some way. I'm trucking right along(wow, that sounds less royal and more white trash)

Today - I'm going to get some writing done and/or editing and I'm excited about it! Too bad I'm not feeling good which is why I'm sitting here...oh well. You can't have everything, right?

Query Stats - since it's been called to my attention my previous link didn't work and they've changed since then anyway.
Sent = 45
Positive Responses = 1
Negative Responses = 16

Ok - off to do some laundry then - WRITING!

Monday, February 1, 2010

53 pages of worry?

First, a little comic relief from Debbie Ridpath! She's brilliant! After a weekend of slashing and editing and pouring over every last word, I sent off what I hope and pray was the most perfect, most compelling, most 'I HAVE to know MORE' or I'll die partial Manuscript imaginable yesterday night. I've been saying for months that I just don't know what I could possibly cut but this weekend proved that I can cut more. I guess when it's crunch time we do what we have to do. So this week and in the weeks to follow I'm endeavoring to not think about the partial and just get more writing done. I'm planning on sending out my first round of snail mail queries to agents that don't accept equeries. Here are my query stats according to querytracker.net. I have to admit it was super fun to put a happy face in one of those spots amongst all teh angry red ones! lol By the way- If you're a fellow author and you use querytracker.net Look me up! I'm Melony Martin. And if you don't use http://www.querytracker.net and you are thinking about querying at some point, check it out! It's an awesome tool to help you keep track of your project stats and research agents/authors. I cross reference at http://www.publishersmarketplace.com, agentquery.com and http://www.absolutewrite.com just to be safe but the tools at querytracker are great!

Well, for today, I'm off to the gym and then hopefully some work on Flash and maybe some more slashing on Hourglass since I've proven I CAN do it. That, and querying. Also, found out Friday night that there is a vampire book coming out in March called Hourglass. Not really thrilled about that. Hourglass. Vampires. COME ON!!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Good enough for me!

Good news today came in the form of my very first partial request! It's not earth-shattering or anything but it's encouraging and something I really needed right now! The chances of this agent requesting the full manuscript and then subsequently offering me representation aren't huge and that's ok with me. I just feel very validated somehow by the request itself. Lately, every time I sit down to write I feel guilty about it because I just can't be sure whether I'm any good at it or whether it's going anywhere. If it were my job then I'd be working, but right now it's a hobby and I have a very full life as a wife and mom. So this told me that yes, it's at least worth someone asking for more and that's enough for me!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Querying again...

Well, I've toyed with the idea of changing Hourglass in some ways that would involve a little bit of a rewrite but I've decided to leave it as it is and just bust out the queries. I originally set a goal to do a certain number and quit at 19. That's kinda lame of me and I really have no right to get depressed over 19! 219 maybe but not 19 so I am going forward with those despite word count issues and all my other worries. I've been working steadily on Flash and am now at 30K so just under halfway done! Woohoo! It's a great story and is coming along nicely. Every time I open Hourglass again I think, "Wow this is good..it really is." So I just need to follow through on it, I think. I've had other people read it and they have also enjoyed it so it's onward and upward on those queries! Writers group read the first few chapters of Flash and they seemed to all enjoy it except for some minor flaws I've already fixed. More than one of my friends said I needed to pursue it so that's fun!

In other news I've actually started reading again! I'm so excited! I finished The Dark Divine by Bree Despain and am now reading Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. So far, so good. I think it is important to read as an author so you can keep up to date and also it does help me creatively so I've decided to MAKE the time for it!

Well, I'm taking my writing time blogging so that's all for now! Query stats right now are 26 queries sent 12 rejections and probably 8 no response

Friday, January 1, 2010

If you're a writer watch this!


It's 2010! How in the world did we get here? 2009 was a great year because I once again discovered and embraced my love of writing. I had done it all through grade school, middle school and High school but once I started having kids it was kind of buried under motherhood again. In fact, when I started writing Hourglass and actually contemplated trying to get it published my husband wondered if I'd be able to "do it again." I have to admit when the question was posed I worried. Maybe not. My head, which had caused me to get in trouble all my young life for the fabulous stories I made up, hadn't provided me with much fantastical fodder in years and years. So, at that point I did worry. But here I am 1/3 of the way done with another novel and I have at least three others outlined mentally and ready for me to work on. I've started all of them plus Book 2 of the Hourglass series(which is mostly outlined already too) So, yes. Yes I can do it. YES! My head is still a crazy place. (Should I be cheering about that??) Hmm. Anyway. I will be 35 in 2010 and I am seriously hoping to push my career forward this year. It's a goal, a dream and I think, a possibility waiting to be untapped! Happy New Year to all! May 2010 bring wonderful things for you as I hope it does for me!

Work In Progress, Flash...

Work In Progress, Flash...

What I'm Reading now....

What I'm Reading now....