I received an email from the agent that had my partial tonight while I sat here and my heart beat wildly out of control. I didn't want to open it. It was out of control. Seriously. But I did. And it was a rejection and my pulse slowed. "My heart can handle this." I told myself. "It can. It's just another in a very long line." But it hurt, as I suspected it would. I did not cry. Not one tear was shed because it was exactly what I expected and like I said before, it's among many that have and will yet be delivered to my inbox. Life goes on, we cope and we query. This agent seemed really sweet and did offer a small amount of feedback which was kind or her. She didn't ask me to send her my next work or revisions. At least it was something. That is more than I had this morning. I'm not going to make any changes to that manuscript just now. I'm going to let my outstanding queries get responses and then go from there and I will be thinking about what she said in the meantime because that is what you should do as a writer. You listen to comments and you decide what to do with them. That's what it's all about. I wish that made each rejection easier to take, but it doesn't. I'll make it though, and the sun will still rise tomorrow! That is what makes life worth living. Perspective is very important when you write for life. It's hard to keep an eye single to your goal, but it's the heart of progress.
Melony, I'm so sorry you she didn't take the full. But this is a perfect way to handle it. When I get my rejections, I'm coming to reread this post. Good luck on the other queries. We are all cheering for you.
This is why you are so amazing! I would have cried. You have such a positive attitude. Love that about you!
Sorry she didn't ask for the full...your book is really good. I am so glad you have the faith to see it through!
*huggles* just think of it as a NO in the right direction to "YES! The perfect agent!"
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