So, Nathan Bransford, literary agent extraordinaire, used this website with his contest and it was super cool so I did it too. Thanks Mr. Bransford! http://www.wordle.com It generates a word cloud based on the frequency of words in a passage, manuscript, poem etc...
So, I copied and pasted my entire manuscript into it and this is the image it produced based on word usage in my MS. So yeah...remember when I posted about weed words? I do. Guess why? JUST! Oh yeah...my old friend really wants recognition! I love that! Not. So anyway, good times. It's actually some very interesting feedback. The good thing is that he copied and pasted his entire comment section with over 2500 first paragraphs and "Like" was the biggest in all of those so at least there I'm not so weird. Well, at least not in that one way... ;)
SWEET! I love it Melony!
I LOVE wordle! I am a total addict! Did you know that you can right click on words before you finalize it and delete certain words so they aren't on it? Like the word "just" doesn't really need to be there "like" etc. Little words that mean nothing. Also...it is a good way to help you edit! It looks like you, like many of us use the word "Just" too much. Go through and get rid of 50% of those! It is a non-needed word that we use in our everyday language too much anyway. An editor would cut many of them out.
fun fun! I am trying to follow but my international internet won't let me. I'll have to do it when I get home!
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