Yesterday I went to author James Dashner's release party for his book, The Maze Runner. It's so exciting for him and it was great to be amongst the excitement. I couldn't help wishing and hoping that someday that will be me and that gave me renewed motivation to pick that manuscript up and GET IT DONE! It's funny, I used to think the book was so good but now I'm super sick of it because I've read it sooo many times! But I've got my goal to meet and it's important to keep it in perspective. So, I'm recommited! Yeah for me! My three other works in progress just need to wait till I get the edits done on this book and a first round of queries out!

One other fun thing, while we were at the release party, one of my daughters, 9 year old Emma came up to me with a book in hand saying "MOM, MOM...we HAVE to get this book!!! I love it!" In her hand she had an autographed copy of the lovely and talented Shannon Hale's book: "Rapunzels Revenge" It was fun because Shannon happened to be sitting on the ground reading t o her children and Emma thought that was super cool! Also, my 11 year old(well almost) Celia was startstruck by James Dashner. It was so fun!
I hope to join the ranks some day of published authors!!! Congrats to James!
Did you get a copy of "maze runner"? I want to read it. Have you read Shannon Hale's latest book? I wonder what you think about it.
I do have Maze Runner. You can have it when we're done with it. How's your hubby?
Shannon's book is on my list to read. Did you read it?
Is it funny that I am star struck by James Dashner? Even more star struck that he remembers who I am? Eeek! It was a really fun night!
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