Thursday, November 26, 2009


I'm a little sad that I wasn't a finalist in the St. Martins Press contest but I'm moving on. Rejection is a part of this and I knew it would happen so I must chalk this up to another bump in my journey and move forward. I've been doing a lot of editing this week and have fallen in love again with the story, which is a good thing. Word count continues to drop and the story gets tighter and tighter as I tweak my prose. All is good. I'm so blessed to be doing what I love. I've been writing since I was a child. Its been an escape in times of heartache and a joy in times of happiness. It's really hard to be objective about your own work so I often second guess it. I don't want to be that person who keeps pushing something that just isn't good. I keep wondering, is this really good? I think I will reach a point where I will set it aside and move to the next project. I do think I can do this. I do think I have talent so it's just a matter of writing the right book, right? Anyway, once this last edit is complete I'll do a month or so more of querying. I'll be working on another project.

I've been wondering if my title was the right one for awhile now and this morning I think i decided it isn't. I'm thinking of calling it, Rewrite. I think that is more compelling and really says what the book is about in so many ways. What do you think?

If I never have a book for sale at a book store I can still be thankful that I enjoyed my life, my kids, and my writing even if no one else did and that's the important things when you lay your head on the pillow at night. I have so many blessings! Happy T-day! :D


Carolyn V. said...

Melony, I love the title Rewrite (what a great title!).

I hate those little bumps on the journey, but they make us stronger, right? =)

You'll make it.

Heidi said...

You have such a positive attitude. I know you can do it!

Work In Progress, Flash...

Work In Progress, Flash...

What I'm Reading now....

What I'm Reading now....