Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tons of contests posted and also, inspiration!

The fabulous author, Ann Dee Ellis is having a contest of sorts. It's just for inspirational purposes so we can write! That's what we need to do isn't it? I do! I'm planning on writing my little heart out and I think you should join me. Yes, you. Over there with the TV on...YOU! Also..I get points if you decided to join in on the fun so that's kinda nifty too! Here's the details on the contest, plus Ann Dee is pretty funny anyway, so you should read her blog more than just today....also, there are a ton of writers contests posted on there that you can enter and get money and bragging rights so that is worth it too!


Carolyn V. said...

Bragging rights rock. Thanks for the heads up Melony!

Tahereh said...

nice!! thanks so much for keeping us posted! great blog!!

Work In Progress, Flash...

Work In Progress, Flash...

What I'm Reading now....

What I'm Reading now....